I'm going to admit it I'm a technology geek and this just really grabbed my attention during my usual Sunday browsing the Internet looking for ideas for the next week. I love technology in the classroom and look for ways to constantly try to bring it into my classroom. I found a behavior software called
I can't wait to try it out tomorrow.
Here is some information from the site.
Class Dojo is an engaging and innovative web app. It uses cute monsters and pop-up notices to instantly reward good behavior and admonish naughtiness.
Teachers create a “dojo monster” for each student in their class. Then using a projector or interactive whiteboard teachers can display reward points for traits like citizenship, listening, following directions or a creative insight. Similarly, a point can be deducted if a student is off task, out of their seat or being disrespectful. A large pop-up icon with the monster’s name flies on-screen, complete with a Foursquare-like icon for the specific behavior. There is a default list of behaviors, but these and icon choices can be customized.
Even more clever is an accompanying mobile web app for smartphones and tablets. A teacher can be walking around the room and with a few taps dish out rewards or demerits.