Friday, December 14, 2012


As a teacher and a parent I could not even imagine how the victims of this tragedy are feeling, so all I can do is pray for God to be with them in their time of need.  I borrowed this graphic from Fun in Room 4B and I believe it says it best.  I know one thing is for sure I will be hugging my children a little tighter tonight.  Before my students left today even though I did not talk about the tragedy with my students but I did make sure that I gave them a high five and let them know they mean the world to me before they left. 

Friday, September 14, 2012


   Ms. Myers you've given me a headache already this morning.  I've seen you all over this school in a matter of the past thirty minutes.  Sometimes I feel like I am going ninety to nothing in the matter of minutes, and there are not enough hours in the day.  I thought you know I have been running myself ragged I need to learn to slow down, because who knows what I am going to miss along the way.  I had duty yesterday morning because our school district decided that everyone needed to add forty minutes to their day ( o how I could have gone on a tangent right then).  Every Thursday I watch children after they have eatten breakfast and there are these two darling little boys that I have come to love and we had a great conversation yesterday that brightened my whole world.  One of them was more excited that I took the time to talk and laugh with him because you could see it all over his face.  Sometimes I need to stop and remember that simple jesture of taking the time to talk to students for just five minutes means the world to them. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

First Day of School

My kiddos had great first days of school.  My daughter is now an 8th grader and she was so excited to see all her friends in her classes.  She is starting vo-ag this year (FFA) so she is in an introduction class at the high school and next year she wants to show pigs.  My son is a 3rd grader this year.  He is so excited that his best buddy is in his class and after school there are three other teacher's kids his age to play with.  I looped up with my class this year so I am teaching third grade to the same students from last year.   We all had great first days to a wonderful year.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Postcard Exchange

If you are from any of these states please go to Ms. McHaffie's Blog or click on link below to join her first come first serve Post Card Exchange.

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming 

The following is from Mrs. McHaffie's Blog that explains about the Postcard exchange.
With the help of Cheryl from Primary Graffiti {LOVE HER} I am hosting a Postcard Exchange! I'm always slow to jump on the train and never get the chance to participate! So with the help of a blogging buddy {more like blogging idol...Mrs Cheryl} and the encouragement from another super teaching buddy {thanks Jana}, I am going to attempt this! Bare with me! :p

Please read carefully to ensure you want to participate in the exchange. If you have any reservations about it at all, please pass on signing up to participate.
Here are some materials/supplies you will need for the exchange: 49 postcards {you're state #50}, 49 stamps, and labels! You will receive 49 postcards in exchange. The best way to ensure that you will be "on top" of this exchange is to purchase/create your postcards once you have confirmed your name/state was selected for this exchange. This exchange DOES cost money. Expect to pay roughly $30 for postcards, postage, and labels.

I will prepare the labels with each participants' name and address. You just need to print them out and allow the kids to stick them on the cards! Easy peesy!!

The whole purpose of this exchange is to get the kiddos involved. That's what our jobs are all about anyways! :) Have them help you come up with a message together as a class. I great idea is to list a few state, city, and class facts on your cards that you're sending out!

All cards must be mailed out by November 2nd. I know the beginning of the year can be hectic and our districts/states do not begin school at the same time, however, I choose a date that allows for most {if not all} participants to get the cards out after the end of the first quarter. You will have no further commitments and will receive a card from each state in exchange!!! What a great way to learn! :)

There are so many different lessons that can be taught with this simple postcard exchange! Mapping skills, geographical skills {use GoogleEarth!}, some history, letter writing, community helpers, etc...
I plan to write the postcard initially as a class, then I will have my kinders fill in certain parts of the postcard on each. For example, they might write the word "Dear," "From," "We," etc... like a 'fill-in-the-blank" type form. Does that make sense? I'm a visual learner so I know I would have to see it.
We're only half way there people!!!!
We are still in need of the final 20 states (that's too many)!!
Check to see if your states available:

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming

If you see your state listed above then click HERE and sign up to join the Postcard Exchange!!! Such a fun way to get kiddos involved and learning about different states and how people live around our country! :)

I am helping Mrs. McHaffie SPREAD THE WORD!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

8 and 14 but Mom's still 29 and holding....

I can already tell that this year is going to be full of surprises.  His birthday fell on the game of the Thunder season and the weekend before as seen we celebrated his birthday with some Thunder cupcakes.  K-man lost his first tooth on July 14th and it was quite an event.  He came running hysterically to me because his mouth was bleeding.  The tooth was just barely hanging there.  I had to calm him down so I could look at his mouth and I just barely touched it and it came right out.  He had sleep denistry done today where he got one pulled and two excavated.  He can't wait for the tooth fairy to come. 

Sister and I made it through her first teenage year.  I thank God periodically for this.  She is such a precious gift and there are so many influences out there in this world that I want to protect her from but I know that I just have to pray and show her all the positives that when she is faced with tough decisions she will make the right decisions.  She went to her first camp~Fellowship of Christian Atheletes Camp and had a blast.  I think I missed her way more than she missed me.  I know K-man missed her bunches.  We finally have time this weekend to take her friends and her to the lake for her birthday.

I keep telling my kiddos that this is the last year for birthdays but they just laugh cause they know I'm joking.  I just keep telling them ok they can turn another year older but I'm still going to be celebrating my twenty-ninth birthday.  Of course Sister just smiles and says whatever and K-man says no mom you'll be celebrating and he puts in my real age because he knows his numbers.  I love both my kiddos they mean the world to me!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

1/2 Way Over!!!

I can't believe my summer is half way over.  I got my old classroom backed up and everything I could move to my new classroom.  I went over one day and got some boxes gone through.  I keep hoping an unpacking fairy might come and take care of the rest but I keep going back to see if my other stuff has been moved and no such luck.  However my son got to go to camp that he loved so I was very happy.  My daughter and I helped with the new church I am starting to attends Vacation Bible School and we enjoyed it a lot.  I got through with an Orientation class and two master classes and now on my third so my summer is moving right along ( I just wish not so fast). 
As I'm blog stalking I came across Heather's Hart blog with a song that I have fallen in love with and F.R.O.G. which means Fully Rely On God.  You should definitely stop on her blog to get her F.R.O.G. freebie.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Busy -- just doesn't describe this.

     My dog is a great listener at the end of a long Friday.  I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The final five days of school.  May be the most difficult interesting of the year.  I finished my first course at the University of Phoenix.  I loved all the work that I did in that one short class.  I know I sound like a geek.  I've decided to Loop with my class and teach my students third grade.  I'm both excited and nervous.  In Oklahoma, this is the students' first big test (at least until Common Core).  I've also got five days to get my room packed to move to a different school.  Now since I'm looping, I'm not sure if I'm going to keep my "beach theme" or not because I want them to experience something new.  So new room, new what to do? I guess I can think about that while I'm packing. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'm a Phoenix!!

I have received a postive response to the questions I asked about graduate school, so I called them and started the process a couple weeks ago and I just got my letter yesterday, and it's official, I'm a Phoenix grad student.  I'm going to start my graduate classes this Tuesday.  I'm nervous, scared and excited all at once.  Speaking of all those emotions at once, storms are flaring up again today, so I need to keep my mind off the weather, nothing says spring like tornado watches in the great state of Oklahoma.  I decided to work on a matching game for subtraction and addition with and without regrouping.  I hope you like it.  I'm a beginner and when I downloaded this to google docs my border disappeared except for one corner.  Does anyone know why this happened?  I would appreciate your help.
                                                       Addition and Subtraction Problems

Hope everyone has a restful night.  I'm going to get some rest before the next set of storms come in.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

I just love Easter!  I get to celebrate what God and Jesus have done for me!  I have two wonderful children, an awesome boyfriend whom I love dearly, a caring family, and wonderful friends.  I am doing a job I've dreamed of doing since I was little...To sum it all up God is Awesome!!!!  I got to visit a fantastic church today and look forward to going back and checking it out some more.  I'm looking forward to a great lunch with family to celebrate Easter and my birthday (tomorrow).
 Life is Good!!!!!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Go Check out TBA's Birthday Giveaway!

Teaching Blog Addict is turning one on April 8th!

When Tamara posed the question on her blog asking who else was as addicted to teacher blogs as she, I don't think she was expecting the response that she got! A year later, and TBA has over 6,000 members, 60 fabulous authors, and over 2 million page views!

To celebrate their 1st birthday, several authors offered to donate their amazing products and gifts!
Your chance to win 24 teacher-made products and 2 Amazon gift cards!

Here's a peek at what's included!

Click {here} to check out their amazing giveaway

Friday, March 30, 2012

Second Grade Sugar and Spice Giveaway

Miss DeCarbo has a wonderful website called Second Grade Sugar & Spice.  Please go over to her blog and check out her awesome giveaway and enter to win either a $25 dollar gift card for Target or Amazon. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blogging World I Need Your Help

     I have always said that I have wanted to get my masters in education, but life happens and I have enjoyed watching my own kiddos grow.  That is my son with me and my daughter(too cool to be with mom). 
     I know this is kind of an unusual post but I need some advice.  I am looking at an online university, because that will allow me the chance to do my homework after I've had family time at home.  Also all of the graduate schools around me are about 50 miles away and being a single mom with two kiddos that is just not an option right now.   Has anyone taken an online course?  Did you like it?  Do you think it's a good idea?  Any advice or comments would be helpful.  Thanks in advance.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kinder - 2nd Linky Party

Jeannie over at Kindergarten Lifestyle came up with an amazing idea for a Kinder-2nd Linky Party.  As I am looking at all the blogs on her linky party I am finding some amazing new blogs to follow.  Thank you so much Jeannie for coming up with this!

An Award (happy dance)!!!!!!

Thanks you so much Brittany at Little Miss Teacher for giving me this wonderful award.   

I love looking for comments in my inbox,too.  It always makes me smile even after a stressful day.  I think it is a wonderful experience getting to hear from each other.  The encouragement in the blogging world is wonderful and I can't wait to see what everyone has to share every day. 
   I am moving schools next year(a new building was built for Pre-K through 1st) and they are moving second with third and fourth.  The principal I have know will go to that building and I will have my fifth principal.  The building I am moving to doesn't have the best reputation for sharing ideas, and that seems crazy to me because right now all of us second grade teachers share everything.  Let's just hope it's all hearsay.
   Brittany thanks again for giving me my first award.  I am super excited!!!  I am still on the lookout for new websites to give the award to because I have time this week since it's Spring Break!!!

Small Town Biggest Loser

      One of my awesome co-workers sent out an e-mail about my small town hosting a biggest loser competition and wanted to know if anyone would like to make a team from our school.  I e-mailed back and said that sounded awesome, so eight of us signed up to represent our school. I can't believe it was a little over a month ago when we started (Feb.15).   Dieting has always been a challenge for me, for example about a year ago, I decided it was time to change my eating habits due to high blood pressure and cholestrol.  I did great until I realized I had a unique class and on top of that had an unexpected hysterectomy, so my diet was put on the back burner.  One of my New Year Resolution's was to start back on my diet and live healthier.  I started going to a water aerobics class (love it) and joined Weight Watchers.   
      I never realized how much fun it could be when you have friends doing a  "diet" with you.  We can encourage each other and also brainstorm on good "diet" foods.  So far I've lost 14 pounds, and our school's team is in third place out of twenty groups.  I've been counting my points and trying to log everything I eat.  I want to help my team in anyway possible so that has helped to stick to my diet, and I'm thinking that blogging about it will help me, too. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm a winner!!!!

Let's just say after a rough ending on Friday with a mandatory meeting that didn't go pretty and a job interview that didn't leave me jumping for joy.  I came home to realize that I am a winner in Swimming into Second's 600 followers.  YEA!!!  Courtney is one of my blog hereos.  She does such an awesome job.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Swimming Into Second's 600 follower giveaway

In celebration of 600 followers, Swimming in Second Grade is having an awesome giveaway.  Please click on her blog button below to find out how to win some awesome prizes.

Swimming into Second

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Class Dojo

I'm going to admit it I'm a technology geek and this just really grabbed my attention during my usual Sunday browsing the Internet looking for ideas for the next week.  I love technology in the classroom and look for ways to constantly try to bring it into my classroom.  I found a behavior software called
  I can't wait to try it out tomorrow.
Here is some information from the site.
Class Dojo is an engaging and innovative web app. It uses cute monsters and pop-up notices to instantly reward good behavior and admonish naughtiness. 
Teachers create a “dojo monster” for each student in their class. Then using a projector or interactive whiteboard teachers can display reward points for traits like citizenship, listening, following directions or a creative insight. Similarly, a point can be deducted if a student is off task, out of their seat or being disrespectful. A large pop-up icon with the monster’s name flies on-screen, complete with a Foursquare-like icon for the specific behavior. There is a default list of behaviors, but these and icon choices can be customized.
Even more clever is an accompanying mobile web app for smartphones and tablets. A teacher can be walking around the room and with a few taps dish out rewards or demerits.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Candy Heart Freebie

These are my inspiration for my Valentine Freebie.  I hope you like it.  Have a great Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Aloha and GE Model School

Yep that's me cheezin with the squinted eyes!!

This was our Great Expectation celebration and the day we said Aloha to Mrs. G (left).  I 'm going to miss her, but I wish her all the best in her next adventure.  On the up side our school has become a model Great Expectation School for the third year in a row.   Great Expectations® (GE) is a professional development program that provides teachers and administrators with the skills needed to create harmony and excitement within the school atmosphere, elements that are basic for inspiring students to pursue academic excellence.  Yeah!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

If You Haven't Been Tagged then TAG!!!!

I thought I had found some teachers who hadn't gotten tagged but when I went to leave a message they had already been tagged.  I'm having a hard time finding blogs that haven't been tagged yet.  So if your reading this and your blog hasn't been tagged then consider yourself tagged and do the challenge below.  :)  !!!!

I've Been Tagged

I was so excited to find out that I was tagged
Here are the rules.

1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

Fun Facts about Me
  • I love taking photos of my family!!!  One of these days I hope to have an awesome Nikon camera.
  • I have a daughter who cheers nonstop and a son who is hard of hearing and a die hard soccer player.
  • Tries to help anyone and everyone.
  • Love to see the spark in a child's eyes when everything clicks and it makes sense.
  • I wish I could sew.
  • I've become a blog stalker.
  • I can't cook ( I joke about how my cakes turn out to be pancakes)
  • Secretly wishes to be CSI agent or in the FBI like on Criminal Minds.
  • I teach 2nd grade in my old 2nd grade classroom.
  • Probably shouldn't be talked to until I at least have a Diet Dr. Pepper in hand in the mornings.
  • I can't wait to go see one of my favorite books that is now a movie (One for the Money).
  • I have always wanted to be a teacher since first grade.
My answers to questions:

1. What is your favorite hobby?  Blogging :) of course
2. Do you have children? How many?  I have two children.  A girl and a boy3. What was your most embarrassing moment?  Going to school in two different sneakers and not realizing it until the end of the day.
4. What type of books do you like to read?  I like a huge variety from Janet Evanovich, to Dean Koontz, to the spiritual book The Shack.
5. Harry Potter or Twilight?  That is the toughest question because I'm a huge fan of both!!!
6. What is your favorite meal?  Spaghetti ( My family jokes that I could live of spaghetti alone.)
7. What place in the world would you most like to visit?  Paris, France 
8. If you could go back in time and meet one person, who would it be?  I would love to meet Eleanor Roosevelt. 
9. What is the last movie you watched? 
10.Are you usually late, early or right on time?  I am right on time.  Trying to get myself and two kiddos anywhere is always a task but we manage to get there right on time.
11.Who is a person you admire and why?  My mom because she has been there for me in both good and bad times.
12.What's your favorite type of music?  I'm a country girl.

Tag, You're It!! - 1. Christina at Mrs. Bainbridge's Class
2.  Jamie at 2nd Grad Stuff
3.  Erica at Erica's Bohrer's First Grade
4.  Jessica at Ms. Winston's Blog
5.  Abby at The Inspired Apple
6.  Jenaya at The Lesson Plan Diva
7.  Amanda at What Happens in 2nd Grade
8.  Gladys at Teaching in High Heels
9.  Ash at Teaching Happily Ever After
10.  Courtney at Swimming Into Second
11. Lindsay and Kerri at Teacher Bits and Bobs
12.  Ebuck at Second Grade Silliness

My questions for you are:
1.  If money were no object, what is the one thing you would splurge and get yourself?
2.  What is the title of your favorite book?
3.  How do you handle a child who is throwing a fit?
4.  What is your favorite pinterest idea?
5.  If you could be anyone for one day, who would it be and why?
6.  What is your favorite topic to teach?
7.  What is your favorite restaurant?
8.  What is your least favorite thing about teaching?
9.  What is your favorite television show?
10.  Why do you blog?
11.  What is your favorite candy?
12.  Why are you a teacher?

An Amazing Author - Bill Wallace

Today the world lost an amazing author who made my small town famous.  He lost his battle with cancer and is up in heaven telling his stories now.  I remember all the times I've heard him speak about his perseverance to get his first book published, A Dog Called Kitty.  Even after it was rejected numerous times and took ten years to publish, it always reminded me to keep going for your dreams even if at first you don't succeed.  My two favorite books would have to be Christmas Spurs (talk about going through a box of tissues) and Trapped in Death Cave. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My first attempt to blog about a giveaway!

She has an awesome website please click above and go check it out and sign up for her giveaway!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Water Zumba!!! and Measurement!

My friend and I have been trying to schedule time to do water aerobics for weeks and tonight our schedules finally allowed us to try it.  When we got there, we found out tonight was zumba night.  We just looked at each other wondering what had we got ourselves into.  All I could think about was how uncoordinated I was(there's a reason my middle name isn't Grace), but then I thought  what do I have to lose (except pounds,lol).  Let's just say I was very glad to have the water to help me balance or I would have tripped over my own two feet.  I had an absolute blast because we were all learning together and no one cared if you messed up, plus my friend and I had time together without our own kids. 

I've uploaded my first game board and concentration game.  I hope that these will help your kiddos.  I plan on putting these in my geometry math station.  If you download them all I ask is that you let me know what you think about these two games.  Here's the link:  Measurement Game and Concentration

My next goal is to learn how to put a picture with the link.  Happy Measuring!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Where does the weekend go?

It's the end of a much needed four day weekend.  Why is it the days leading up to the four day weekend trudge slowly by and then the weekend flies by?  I do have to pat myself and my boyfriend on the back though for finally putting all the Christmas decorations away, even if he did mumble something about hoarder sweet nothings underneath his breath as he was putting away the boxes in the attic.  I must admit I'm a bit of a pack rack but you never know when you might need something.  That leads me to one of my New Year's resolutions which is to get organized and something on the blogging network caught my eye.  I have decided to do the Clutter-Free Classroom project.  I am going to take pictures tomorrow, but I don't know if I will have the guts courage to put them on-line, especially seeing all the awesome rooms out there in the blogging world. I hope everyone has a great back to school day tomorrow! 


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Premiere Post

     My very first post on my very own blog.  I am super excited about starting this blog!  Over the last couple of months, I have become a blog stalker partly due to my addiction to pinterest.  I was recently asked by my principal to share my knowledge of pinterest to the staff and I of course said, "Yes!"  I think that every teacher should have the opportunity to fall in love with pinterest like I did.  I'm not sure if their families will be very happy after I teach the staff about it because it's easy to fall into "the pinterest time warp". I'm sure many of you know time seems to fly while you are looking for things on pinterest and before you know it an hour has gone by without you even knowing it. 
     I'm a newbie so if you are reading this and have any suggestions or helpful tips on starting a blog I am more than willing to listen read anything you are willing to share. 
    Lastly I want to thank Stephanie for my awesome customized banner that i absolutely love!
                                          Stephabee Graphic Design